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Why Make Homemade Wine?

Why make homemade wine? I say... why not?

If you have ever thought "hmmm... I like this wine... but I would like it more if it were not so sweet."

Or "I wish this were more fruity" Then maybe making your own home made wine might be worth your time.

When you are making your own wine you have total control over what goes into your wine or what does not go into your wine. You can hand pick the fruit, use fewer chemicals and age your wine as long as you care to. You can experiment with different fruit combinations and you can make as much of a favorite as you choose.

My friends tell me that it takes too long from start to finish for them to bother with. These are the same friend�s mind you that LOVE to drink the wine I have made!

Okay... sure... it does take a long time but once you have various bottles maturing you will have a constant supply of maturing wines to choose from. You may not get to taste the strawberry wine you just made... but you sure can taste that blackberry wine you made last year!

The thing I like is that I can mix together fruit combinations that I would never see in the store! I can make a strawberry mango wine or a tangerine kiwi wine... get creative... the sky is the limit!

I have been asked how to tell if your wine has gone bad... and all I can say is... you will know!!! And the truth of the matter is that as long as you are using good ingredients and keep your equipment sterile you should be just fine!

Why make homemade wine??? You tell me� why do YOU make homemade wine? Tell me why you make your own home made wine and I will post your answers! Let me know if it is okay to include your name and location when I post your answer.

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